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 Spirit of the Rules
 Cue ball foul ... after winning game

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
poolguy Posted - 05/07/2008 : 6:39:46 PM
In a recent tournament (non-APA) I won a game and the cue ball came back up table and was rolling slowly about mid table. It was my turn to rack for the next game (loser breaks) and I used my cue to push the cue ball back to the kitchen and prepared to rack. The tournament director discreetly told me that this could be taken as a foul, which is correct.

To me, the "spirit of the rules" would be for a player to accept a loss if the cue ball were moving as I described above and the player "fouled" it.

I will say that I'll never again do this because someone *might* call it a foul and I'd have no argument.


It only hurts if you miss.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kerry Randolph Posted - 05/07/2008 : 7:52:19 PM
I tell my player to let it stop rolling completely whether it is the end of the game or not. The 15 seconds or so you are going to save is not worth any amount of controversy.

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt

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