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 Addendum to APA rule book

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
iampato Posted - 09/28/2008 : 11:26:01 PM
To my fellow teammates, and opponents. This is an addendum to the APA 20__rule book.

First to my team:

1. I am 100 percent a team player.
2. This if for 100 percent my enjoyment.
3. I play to win, every time.
4. I may not be at the table, but I’m watching.
5. If you need a time out, call it. I won’t do it for you.
6. Anything below Nationals only requires me to be serious when I need to be. That is when I am asked to be.
7. The seriousness is only temporary, lasting the duration of: no longer then the end of game in which seriousness started.
8. At Nationals, don’t expect me to be serious at all.
9. I reserve the right to add or subtract rules as needed.

To my opponents:

1. This is for my enjoyment, as I am sure it is for you as well.
2. Any words that come out of my mouth… consider them jokes.
3. During the course of the evening, we may come across the need for a rules clarification… I couldn’t care less. I have bigger situations on my plate to worry about if that was a double hit or not.
4. You will get my best.
5. I will only applaud your efforts, as well as the efforts of your teammates.
6. The trophies are nice; the money from the TOC, and Nationals is great. This is my enjoyment, please tonight, lets add to that. For all of us.

"I'm only unhappy with the woman I'm with, for a short time." Bernardo Perez 2006
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
iampato Posted - 10/01/2008 : 5:55:27 PM
No. this is "my" addendum. this is how I will act. and if I don't call me on it. I should change the title to "my" addendum. you know how I am. I get tired of all the BS that happens when people take things too personal. This is not personal to me, this is fun.

This is a simple decleration, "I am here for fun! don't come to me with your BS. I want to have fun and I will, with or without you."

"I'm only unhappy with the woman I'm with, for a short time." Bernardo Perez 2006
Moose Dragon Posted - 10/01/2008 : 09:27:52 AM
So what you are saying is we should all feel, act and behave like you otherwise we are wrong, or acting incorrectly? Am I reading that correctly?
Tony Posted - 09/29/2008 : 2:46:16 PM
Well Said Senior Pato ,
i Second that Adenndum !

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