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T O P I C    R E V I E W
grapevine Posted - 03/17/2009 : 2:32:04 PM
heard about this the other day.....shooter is running down to a few balls before the eight....almost makes another.... ball stopped in the jaws of the pocket.....before the opponent can get to the table ..the original shooter gets down to shoot again the opponent speaks up and informs the shooter that he missed his last shot...the shooter says he didn't and shoots again, insisting that it was a shark attack,from his opponent, trying to ruin his run-out.... needless to say this didn't set to well with anybody. what do you do???
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
grapevine Posted - 03/18/2009 : 12:26:49 PM
all that is good..runor has it nobody on the shooters team was paying attention to the game in question, only the opponent and one of his teamates saw the shot and tried to stop the shooter. don't know much more I will see if there are more details
Moose Dragon Posted - 03/17/2009 : 4:23:38 PM
Grapevine you ask "what do you do???"

If you were not able to stop the shooter before he fouled the cue ball. You tell him it was a foul. That should stop him long enough to say why. Then you ask him what the previous shot was. If he is any sort of a player he will tell you I shot the whatever ball in the wherever pocket. If he still has not seen the ball on the table point to it and say you mean that whatever ball in that wherever pocket. When he looks and sees the ball still on the table, he should be embarrased and give you the cue ball. Of course if you were mistaken and he did actually make a ball then it is your turn to be embarrased.

If that does not happen you tell the captain to wait you are calling the league office.
Torsten Posted - 03/17/2009 : 4:14:37 PM
Looks self explanatory. He may say he didn't miss his last shot, but if the evidence is on the table. I'd be shocked if nobody on the shooter's team said anything. But anyway, the ruling, assuming this happened in front of a third party or a referee, would be a ball in hand. The white ball is always alive, and if you move it illegally, (for example, taking a shot when it's not your turn), it's a foul.

I think the worst time to have a heart attack would be during a game of charades... or during a game of fake heart attack.
bikercowboy Posted - 03/17/2009 : 2:37:35 PM
He didnt make a ball and shot again? Am slightly confused or am tired or both

Isn't the object to make the object ball? But yes you are right the leave would be awesome if it was your shot.

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