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 Safety Question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bfrisan Posted - 06/09/2009 : 5:49:24 PM
If someone calls a safety shot before shooting are they held to that if something goes in?

Team mate of mine was on the 8-ball but called a safety shot. He picked up his marker (which I didn't notice at the time)
He went for his shot and didn't hit the 8-ball they way he should and he ended pocketing the ball into the pocket he had initally marked and lost the match.

Then the discussion came up as to what would have happened if he left the marker there called a safety shot and accidently made the shot into the marked pocket.

Would he be held to the safety call and lose the match? Or still get the win?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Keith Posted - 06/12/2009 : 3:40:05 PM
Marking safetys on the score sheet is a very important thing to do. If you don't then you are sandbagging for another person. Sandbagging is missing on purpose in order to lower your skill level. When you don't mark the safety it doesn't make it into the computer and can therefore lower you skill level. This is why Taz and Phil make a point to pound this topic home at every captains meeting.

movistar Posted - 06/12/2009 : 12:22:52 PM
as far as I know, "calling a safety" in the APA does not mean anything ( unless you want to mark it on the score sheet)....
you can CALL 10 safeties but if a legal shot is made and your ball goes in the pocket... you keep shooting...even if you called "safety".

as for the 8 ball shot.... if your teammate called a safety and had left the marker on the table... he would have won the game even though he "called a safety" if the 8 ball went in the called/marked pocket / it really doesn't mean anything in APA
D-RACK Posted - 06/11/2009 : 10:25:59 AM

Unless u just pick up the Q and give them ball in hand .....

Cant hurt to mark it, but it can hurt to not!!

Keith Posted - 06/10/2009 : 3:34:46 PM
It would have counted as a safety and he would have won the rack. The safety is in the intent to miss the shot. If the ball was pocketed then the results were not what he planned but the intent was still there. I have played three defenses in the same turn trying to put a ball at the pocket to block the 8 ball with the first 2 then just hiding the cue on the last one. All 3 were marked.

There are no stupid questions except the one you just asked.

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