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 Another easy one for ya

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bigstackvertigo Posted - 07/06/2009 : 10:02:21 PM
I was always under the impression that in 8-Ball if your opponent hits a legal shot and your ball is pocketed they lose their turn. What happens if your ball is pocketed first and then one of theirs is pocketed after that? Is it still their turn?

This came up in a friendly match tonight and it's been bugging me ever since.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bigstackvertigo Posted - 07/07/2009 : 12:13:06 PM
Thank you very much!
DavidJH Posted - 07/07/2009 : 08:42:22 AM
There are a number of different 8-ball rules (APA, BCA, "bar," etc.). Since this is an APA forum, here are the rules relating to your question:

A "legal shot" would mean that after the shooter hit the cue ball with his cue stick, the first ball contacted was one of his object balls, without a "double hit" on the cue ball. In APA rules, if a "legal shot" was executed and any of the shooter's object balls are pocketed, the shooter continues shooting. The exception to this is if the 8-ball is pocketed, which would be loss of game.

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