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 MVP Points

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
surfbumz Posted - 06/06/2005 : 9:09:47 PM
Last week I played a new player that started as a four. I ended up winning the match and should have received four MVP points. The new player went down to a three and I was only awarded three points. Is this an error or should I have received the four points.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Phil Posted - 06/08/2005 : 09:19:33 AM
Originally posted by trhxke

So the bigger the win margin the fewer points you will get for winning?
You know that don't make any sense or at least not in my world.

What if a new guy (like Sal) plays his 1st match as a 4 against someone like Erwin and Erwin beats him 75 to 19 does the new guy like Sal go down to a 2 or 3 and Erwin gets only 2 or 3 points for beating him like that?

No, you get three points for beating a non-rated player. Period. Margin of victory (or beating them "down to a lower skill level", like you are suggesting) has nothing to do with it.

Taz Posted - 06/08/2005 : 07:58:01 AM
Rumors.....aren't they grand? Often times not based on fact, as in this case.
trhxke Posted - 06/07/2005 : 4:46:57 PM
So the bigger the win margin the fewer points you will get for winning?
You know that don't make any sense or at least not in my world.

What if a new guy (like Sal) plays his 1st match as a 4 against someone like Erwin and Erwin beats him 75 to 19 does the new guy like Sal go down to a 2 or 3 and Erwin gets only 2 or 3 points for beating him like that?

By the way I heard a rumor that a female 9 ball player who is ranked a 6 decided to play 8 ball and she starts as a 3 in 8 ball ....even though everyone knows she is much better than a 3.......then what happens if she were to lose even as a 3....would she go down further?
Of course the rumor I heard was she won that match 20 to nothing so she gets a "Skunk Patch".....
That don't make a lot of sense to me either.

Tom Hardinger
Your Internet Source for pool cues, darts and colletibles.
Phil Posted - 06/06/2005 : 11:27:05 PM
It's not an error - you get three MVP points when you beat an unrated (not a 4) player.


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