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cjburgess Posted - 11/09/2005 : 3:18:54 PM
Let's say a player takes a time out, and the coach wants to demonstrate a shot. Is the coach allowed to take balls out of a pocket and lay them out on the other side of the table, if only to demonstrate the shot? Or better yet, are you allowed to demonstrate a shot on a nearby practice table?

-Longhair Chris
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Phil Posted - 12/01/2006 : 1:44:35 PM
Ball in hand fouls are listed on pages 48-51 of the team manual. The word "tip" does not occur one single time in that section. The coach can strike the cue ball as much as he/she wants, AS LONG AS NEITHER THE CUE BALL NOR THE HAND HOLDING THE CUE BALL TOUCHES ANOTHER BALL.

Demonstrating a shot on the other end of the table would in fact be a foul if the coach hits the cue ball into another ball, EVEN IF IT IS A BALL PULLED OUT OF THE TABLE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEMONSTRATION. If the coach pulls out two balls and uses one as the cue ball, guess what? No foul.

Only those things explicitly listed in the team manual as ball in hand fouls should be treated as such. The only other way to receive ball in hand is via a sportsmanship violation, which may only be assessed by the league office. In other words, do not invent ball in hand fouls - if it's not listed in the manual, it is not a foul.

movistar Posted - 12/01/2006 : 10:40:01 AM
if the coach places the cue ball on the table it can still be moved around, however, once it is struck by the TIP of the cue, in a forward motion, it becomes a shot and a FOUL can be called, even if it is a practice demonstration
Phil Posted - 11/09/2005 : 6:26:51 PM
Whatever you can accomplish in one minute is fine, as long as it doesn't cause a foul as described in the team manual. The rules would be a little tighter in higher level tournaments, though. League night is the time to learn, HLT is the time to show what you've learned.

Torsten Posted - 11/09/2005 : 5:21:17 PM
According to the way the rules are currently interpreted, a coach, during a ball in hand situation, may actually strike the cue ball to demonstrate the speed he wants his player to hit the shot at. This is NOT a foul. It does become a foul when and if the struck cue ball comes in contact with an object ball of any kind.

As far as taking a shot on a practice table, I have no idea. Taz and Phil???

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a bathroom makes you a toilet.
trhxke Posted - 11/09/2005 : 3:44:57 PM
That is a VERY good question. I have seen coaches take a ball out of the return and use it to measure the space between 2 balls and I my self have use one to demonstrate the speed that my player should roll the cue ball into a rail for an intended safe.

How far can one take this liberty?

Tom Hardinger
Your Internet Source for pool cues, darts and various colletibles.

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