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 Calling Timeouts

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Rick Posted - 03/19/2006 : 5:55:52 PM
There have been occassions , as the " coach " for the team that I have called a time out on one of my players , only for it to be rejected . That in its self is fine , everybody should have the right to choose whether they want to recieve or give a time out . My question is there a point when a coach can force a timeout ? And , at what point can an opponent say , "hey , you called a coach , mark it down " ?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
trhxke Posted - 03/24/2006 : 1:07:33 PM
Rick, I agreed whole heartedly!
Very often another player will see the situation differently or they will simply see something that you did not see. Skill level is almost never the most important measure of a good coach.
A good coach will supplement the player's own ability and should always strive for a positive impact on the player's confidence in his ability to execute the shot regardless of whose choice it is to take the particular course of action.
My 3's very often make shots that I personally would not have attempted......what more can I say!

Tom Hardinger
Your Internet Source for pool cues, darts and various colletibles.
Rick Posted - 03/24/2006 : 12:52:17 PM
One of the great things about the APA is that coaching allows a player to improve their game , I'm the highest ranked player on both of the teams I play on , but if a team member called a coach , I still listen , and on occassions I've been suprised that the advice has worked out well for me . Take all your coaches , it's arrogant to believe you don't need help .
Torsten Posted - 03/22/2006 : 11:53:37 AM
As the coach, you CAN make the player take the timeout. If you as the coach, or anyone else on your team for that matter, calls timeout, it MUST be taken. Only the coach can decline a timeout if it is called by the player. Unfortunately, you can't in any way force your player to listen to your advice...except for threatening them with greivous bodily harm... which is against the spirit of the APA not to mention punishable by expulsion in the rule book. Ah, the trials and tribulations of coaching....

"Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." Adlai Stevenson
ApaMVP Posted - 03/21/2006 : 5:04:27 PM
Originally posted by Rick

I have called a time out on one of my players , only for it to be rejected . there a point when a coach can force a timeout ?

Yeah, as a coach myself I wish that we could MAKE our players take the timeout whether they wanted to decline it or not! I swear, every time they decline, they make the wrong decision, and I end up looking like the dude on the bitter bear face commercial as they are shooting.
Torsten Posted - 03/21/2006 : 10:10:19 AM
Rick. By the way, it is YOU as the coach that can refuse a timeout called by the player. If you feel that your player will make the right decision on his/her own, simply say "declined" if you want to save the timeout for another occasion. This is ONLY if the person who is PLAYING the match asks for a timeout. Any other member of the team suggesting that one be taken will result in the timeout being charged. I hope this info is useful to you.

"Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." Adlai Stevenson
Rick Posted - 03/20/2006 : 10:13:31 AM
Thanks Taz
Taz Posted - 03/20/2006 : 09:19:02 AM

I know you played APA in another area and have just recently joined ours. I would strongly urge you to read our Local Bylaws and familiarize yourself with them. You can see/print a copy from the home page, league info link.

South Coast APA Local Bylaws 20. Time Outs "If any member of the shooting player's team, other than the shooter himself, suggests that a time out be taken, one will be charged regardless of whether it is used."

I believe that answers your question, but if not, feel free to post again or call the league office for further clarification.

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