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 New rules?

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cjburgess Posted - 06/07/2006 : 09:08:14 AM
So I'm hearing about all kinds of new rules, one of them being the use of chalk to mark a pocket is now legal. Is this correct? Can we get a list of these things, just so we are all clear on what the new rules are?

Longhair Chris
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kerry Randolph Posted - 10/13/2006 : 2:28:57 PM
How can you call your pocket if your phone is on the table?
movistar Posted - 10/13/2006 : 1:29:06 PM
always use the cell phone... what better way is there to "call your pocket" ???
snipes Posted - 10/06/2006 : 12:48:08 AM
Best idea here, is the cell phone you got on your waist band. Chalk will only intise those who want trouble or that are out to WIN whatever the cost.
cjburgess Posted - 06/07/2006 : 5:21:18 PM
Thanks for the info everyone. I'll check out the manuals.
trhxke Posted - 06/07/2006 : 10:57:04 AM
Hi Chris,
Here's a quick link to that page where you can read, down load or print the rules for your self.


Tom Hardinger
Your Internet Source for pool cues, darts and various colletibles.
Torsten Posted - 06/07/2006 : 10:37:46 AM
I recommend the use of anything not normally found on a pool table (chalk, quarters, blood etc.) to remove all doubt. For example, a ZIPPO makes an excellent marker...

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
Taz Posted - 06/07/2006 : 10:15:19 AM
All team captains received the new 2006-07 & 2007-08 Official APA Team Manual on their first night of play. All captains received a team packet which included Local Bylaws for Summer 2006 as well as a flyer that highlights those changes which we believe have the most impact on weekly league play. We covered the changes at all Team Captains' meetings. Lastly, we sent out "Bonus" paperwork on week 1 to all teams pointing out the changes.

Any player can have their own copy of the Local Bylaws (you'll find them in the Docs & Forms forum. As for the new team manual, you can also download it from the same forum or purchase your own copy of the Team Manual by sending in $2 in your team envelope (just note the $2 for Team Manual and the name of the person purchasing the manual so we know who to send it to in the finance section of your scoresheet).

As to "marking the pocket" the revisions to the rule reads as follows

"To properly mark the pocket, a coaster or some other reasonable marker (to avoid confusion, we do not recommend marking the pocket with chalk) must be placed next to the pocket...."

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