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T O P I C    R E V I E W
movistar Posted - 10/11/2006 : 1:22:09 PM
since the law in California is NO Smoking in Public buildings
can anything be done about the bars that ALLOW people to smoke while playing pool?
this is very offensive to those who don't smoke.

is it too much to ask for the players to leave the area while smoking?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lukecm Posted - 01/25/2007 : 1:31:10 PM
The following is an excert from California Labor Code section 6404.5 and is the main citation that bars continue to use when claiming that the smoking law doesn't apply to them. Many bars that fall into this exception have stopped allowing smoking, because the enforcement agencies would write them a ticket anyway and it became more of a headache (not to mention expensive when attorneys are involved) to continue to fight.

(14) Employers with a total of five or fewer employees, either full-time or part-time, may permit smoking where all of the following conditions are met:

(A) The smoking area is not accessible to minors.

(B) All employees who enter the smoking area consent to permit smoking. No one, as part of his or her work responsibilities, shall be required to work in an area where smoking is permitted. An employer who is determined by the division to have used coercion to obtain consent or who has required an employee to work in the smoking area shall be subject to the penalty provisions of Section 6427.

(C)Air from the smoking area shall be exhausted directly to the outside by an exhaust fan. Air from the smoking area shall not be recirculated to other parts of the building.

(D)The employer shall comply with any ventilation standard or other standard utilizing appropriate technology, including, but not limited to, mechanical, electronic, and biotechnical systems, adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board or the federal Environmental Protection Agency. If both adopt inconsistent standards, the ventilation standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board shall be no less stringent than the standards adopted by the federal Environmental Protection Agency.

Kerry Randolph Posted - 01/24/2007 : 5:00:28 PM
I am sure the no smoking in public buildings was for everyone's health and not just the employees. Like the customers the employees do have a choice. If the smoke bothers you or you consider it to much of a health risk, find another job.

The freedom to choose is what this topic has been about. I choose to continue to go to bars that allow smoking (when playing pool league or tournaments only). I also choose to continue to bitch about it. Both of these are my rights. Just like smoking is a right everyone has, and bitching about people that are bitching about smokers is also a right everyone has.

The only thing I really don't like is when someone smokes while they are shooting. I will always ask them not to smoke at the table.
katolin007 Posted - 01/24/2007 : 4:14:44 PM
The bar is NOT a public place, rather a private establishment. The no smoking inside rule was created for the employees health rather than for the customers. The customer's have a choice to go somewhere else but the employees are stuck at the place of business. We had this issue come up at Bully's Billiards. As long as the employees don't have a problem with smoke...

"Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't be mean in saying it." - Kato Lin
Derailed Posted - 01/22/2007 : 02:17:25 AM
Snipes still spits into a damn cup... chew man....
D-RACK Posted - 11/02/2006 : 4:06:09 PM
You are all nutz????????? lol
snipes Posted - 10/25/2006 : 8:52:17 PM
Congrats to you Ginger, I quit smoking 18 months ago! We all know it's truly the best for everyone, but freedom to choose will never lose. It's very hard to this day for me to go to some places cuz the urge is still there, I have to make the choice best for ME and I usually will leave (unless I am playing, tee hee). Keep up the good work, you got a long haul in front of you!!!
ginger Posted - 10/25/2006 : 4:33:50 PM
Originally posted by trhxke

Last I heard it was still a free country...(America that is).
The government is way too involved in our lives already.
We should have the freedom to choose to smoke & drink

We ARE free to avoid places when people drink and smoke so let them do it and we can just not go there.
It's a bit like turning off the TV or changing the channel, does anyone really understand all that rating crap anyway? I usually just change the channel if I don't like a program. I DON"T start whining about everyone else who wants to watch the program I don't like.
Choice is good!
Leave it alone or give us more choices to choose from!

Tom Hardinger

Well said Tom. ::stands and applauds::

Being a smoker is a personal choice (however bad it is), as it is your personal choice to not be around people who smoke. (Might want to move out of Southern Cali though, step outside your door and your eating the air ::yuck:: )

But you can't start sending in the linch mob, yes..its bad for your health. Most people have a few drinks when they play league night. You could be endangering my life when you drive home. (Nope I don't drink)

Your never going to get everyone to agree on this one, and not every establishment is going to enforce the laws regarding it. There are some places in our area that pay the fine and continue doing what they were doing beforehand...your not going to get the authorities to run out there everytime you call, and the bars know this.

Well thats all. Good Luck all

-ginger (non smoker for the last 8 days)
Kerry Randolph Posted - 10/25/2006 : 08:25:26 AM
That is why this subject is so difficult to discuss. Both sides feel like they are being discriminated against or hurt in some way. Well, they are.

There are no easy answers for this. It is a personal descision to smoke or to be around smokers. Like a lot of other life descisions these are difficult ones. I say we respect everyones descisions, and do what we can to make everyone comfortable.
trhxke Posted - 10/24/2006 : 1:42:26 PM
I have to say something about this subject.
Being from Alabama, I smoked from age 5 to age 33 (my 1st 10 years were spent sneaking around behind my Mom's back) and then quit cold turkey on Feb. 17, 1984 because I realized I needed to.
It was the hardest thing I have every done in my life.
My wife and 2 sons both still smoke and I truly hope they will quit soon.
NOW that I have that out of the way......
My Opinion......
Last I heard it was still a free country...(America that is).
The government is way too involved in our lives already.
We should have the freedom to choose to smoke & drink especially since we now have the choice to join the armed services...or not. (When I was drafted into the Army in 1969 that was not a freedom I enjoyed and believe me Viet Nam was a lot more hazardous to your health than smoking cigerettes).
We ARE free to avoid places when people drink and smoke so let them do it and we can just not go there.
It's a bit like turning off the TV or changing the channel, does anyone really understand all that rating crap anyway? I usually just change the channel if I don't like a program. I DON"T start whining about everyone else who wants to watch the program I don't like.
Choice is good!
Leave it alone or give us more choices to choose from!

Tom Hardinger
Your Internet Source for pool cues, darts and various colletibles.
snipes Posted - 10/24/2006 : 01:00:46 AM
Let's be careful before accusing APA or an APA player that they are doing something "illegal". I'm no lawyer, but I do believe there are ways for a "public" place to allow smoking. You might look into owner/operator establishments and the like!
Kerry Randolph Posted - 10/13/2006 : 10:45:02 AM
O.K. now that I have been ratted out, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I have started several threads on this message board saying pretty much exactly what you have. Everyone knows how I feel so I won't preach about it anymore.

Good luck.
Phil Posted - 10/12/2006 : 9:00:02 PM
Ok, before this gets out of hand, you should know Gary that Kerry is in your camp. He's just trying to stir the pot (or tobacco in this case).

Kerry Randolph Posted - 10/12/2006 : 5:21:16 PM
ahll have you no mester movistar i got me a six grade edgumacation, so don go sassin me about smarts or nuthin.

When I went to the doctor he told me the tar had coated my hole lungs so I figered I was ok with that barrier there.

I don no who mester marshall is but he does not sound very nice givin out tickets and all.

i keep my peice real close at hand so don go sneekin up on me ors you just might get shot.

sonds to me like you might be gettin to old age pretty soon

well you take care and rest peacefully yursef
movistar Posted - 10/12/2006 : 4:41:44 PM
i didn't realize that i would get a response from someone who was so UNEDUCATED about the harmful effects of second hand smoke and is truly happy about dying of lung cancer instead of old age...may you rest in peace

until then, it is STILL against the law to smoke in public buildings, so get on YOUR bandwagon to reverse the law and nobody will have to "get out of california"
I for one, want to die of old age......
maybe the fire marshall should receive a list of the establishments who are in violation of the ordinance and a few tickets might solve the problem and generate a little revenue for our school system

Kerry Randolph Posted - 10/11/2006 : 2:32:07 PM
To segregate people by race, religion, sex,or sexual beliefs is just wrong. We have laws that prohibit this from happening. I know the day is coming when people will not be discriminated against just because they smoke. we are people to. We have rights and feelings, and do not enjoy having to stand outside to smoke.

It is a well known fact that it is a conspiricy against the tobacco companies, and smokers all around the world that smoking is bad for you. I say Hah, smoking clears the lungs of natural debri and coats them with a protective barrier. It boosts the immune system and helps fight deseases. As far as second hand smoke goes, if you don't like it than take up smoking and it won't bother you.

I will not let my brothers of the tobacco users be persecuted like this any longer. Either get on board the smoke wagon or get out of California.

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