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 Rules Discussion
 Changing cues

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Faye-Lee Posted - 06/24/2005 : 08:11:20 AM
I'm asking this question for a friend in one of the NJ APA leagues.

What is the rule on jump cues? I know you cannot use them for jump shots during an APA match. However, in NJ, a lot of the bar tables they have require short sticks on at least one side of the table. If there is not a short cue present, can you use a jump cue to take the shot? Keep in mind, they are not trying to do a jump shot. They are just using a jump cue to make a shot that requires a short stick.

Is this a national APA rule? Or is this a local bylaw?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cjburgess Posted - 07/05/2005 : 2:34:51 PM
Is there a rule that says that you can't break down your cue to make a normal shot that would require a short stick, like when there is a wall in the way? It specifically states on page 40 of the manual, "Players are not allowed to break their cues down to attempt jump shots." Does this apply to a regular shot, especially when there are no short sticks available?
lukecm Posted - 07/02/2005 : 11:43:38 AM
Typically, as we have this situation at my home location, I ask the other team captain before the match starts if he would like my jump cue to be available to ALL players when the need arises for a "short cue". I do, however, make it clear that it is not to be used for jump shots, only for shots in which the wall is in the way.
Phil Posted - 06/24/2005 : 09:29:35 AM
There's nothing in the APA rules that says you can use a jump cue if there's no short cue provided by the house. Your friend in NJ would have to consult his/her League Operator for a ruling in this case.


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