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 Rules Discussion
 2 Suggested Changes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pat Murphy Posted - 06/29/2005 : 1:03:47 PM
1.Currently in the MVP tournament your handicap is frozen at the time the post cards are mailed out telling you dates and times for your tier. I suggest that if a players handicap is lowered or raised after the cards are mailed they should play in the same tier they qualified for, but play at their new skill level.

2.If a player is active in only 8 or 9 ball but has an established handicap in the other format that is over 6 months old, their most current rating should be what they start playing with in the other format if they decide to play again.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pat Murphy Posted - 07/06/2005 : 3:13:59 PM
Good point! Thanks for the input. What about the other suggestion?
Phil Posted - 07/06/2005 : 2:15:11 PM
Originally posted by Pat Murphy

right now if you go up you still get to play at your lower rating and if you go down you still have to play at your higher rating

Interesting choice of wording - get to play at your lower rating and have to play at your higher rating.

Most skill levels get updated on Friday night. If a 3 goes up to a 4 the night before the tournament, should they play (perhaps for the first time ever) as a 4 in the event? It usually takes a few matches to adjust to a new skill level. The MVP tournament is supposed to be a reward for performance during the previous session - how rewarding would it be to walk in the door and find out your very first match at the next skill level is going to be the first round of the MVP tournament?

Pat Murphy Posted - 07/06/2005 : 12:28:36 PM
Hey Phil and Taz, no one seems to object, what do you think?
Pat Murphy Posted - 07/01/2005 : 08:05:21 AM
Hi Doug, I was just talking about the MVP Tournament, right now if you go up you still get to play at your lower rating and if you go down you still have to play at your higher rating. I know in regionals, both team and singles, that would never fly.
Doug Gill Posted - 07/01/2005 : 07:30:33 AM

1. You mean to say that a SL4 should be able to get to a Singles Regionals tournament by winning a SL1-3 qualifier? I'M IN! (damn...SL too high)

2. I think I know why you are stating this, but be careful what you wish for. It could very easily have the opposite effect on what you are trying to achieve.

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