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 MP3 Players

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katolin007 Posted - 07/27/2005 : 10:04:30 AM
I was wondering if I can listen to my MP3 player during a match. I didn't want to start something and then find out later, if our team lets say, goes to Nationals and I can't wear the headset.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
katolin007 Posted - 10/26/2005 : 4:25:56 PM
Gee Wiz:
I really didn't think this thread would be so long. All I wanted to do was listen to music I liked. Wow. Didn't realize the extent that people would go to to get "assistance" or as we call it in the sword fighting field "an edge" (little pun there) in shooting pool. Since joining the APA last season, it has opened my eyes to all the kinds of things that go on. But it is a great thing to know that these instances are not the rule but the exception. I have found 90% of the folks kind, honest, competitive and fun-loving.
Taz, sorry for starting what I thought to be an "innocent" request. I thought the only objection to having headsets was the ability to hear my captain call a timeout. Cheating never entered my beady little brain.
Doug Gill Posted - 10/26/2005 : 12:45:20 PM
I agree 100%! Unfortunately there are those who consciencously look for ways to get an advantage (CHEAT!!!!!!!!!) whether it be by mechanical means (LASER POINTERS!!!!!!!!) or handicap manipulation (SANDBAGGING!!!!!!!). Takes away some of the fun for the honest players.

I could go on, but Momma Taz would end up sending me to my room (or )!

Good Shooting!
ginger Posted - 10/24/2005 : 7:35:18 PM
It's terrible things can get so petty! I'm suprised laughing and joking around during your match is still is , isnt it?

Phil & Taz, I know you two don't set all these rules, its just a shame that people take advantage of so many things that the need for these types of petty rules have to be in place and slowly start to take the fun out of things.

If someone wants to listen to music in their own ears, just be glad its not blasting in yours LOL

Taz Posted - 10/19/2005 : 4:50:29 PM
Discuss and debate this all you want. Bottom line, you are not allowed to wear it/them at Nationals. You are not allowed to wear it/them at the South Coast Championships aka Team Regionals or at our Southwest Challenge tournaments. You will not be allowed to wear it/them at any upper level tournaments we host. Oh, and hearing aids do not fall under this category, no matter what Big Casino has to say.
Phil Posted - 10/19/2005 : 2:41:54 PM
Originally posted by trhxke

Originally posted by Taz

Not a good idea.

Just curious...why do you say "Not a good idea."

I noticed some people play with a "Blue Tooth" wireless earpiece for their cell phone and I'm sure it is just a matter of time til there is such a device that can be used with an MP3 player (there may be one already).

Is there a rule against wearing an ear piece or is it just "not a good idea in your opinion."?

Tom Hardinger
Your Internet Source for pool cues, darts and various colletibles.

It's also just a matter of time before someone accuses the bluetooth-earpiece-wearing player of receiving illegal advice through the earpiece. It's better to just avoid the perception of impropriety altogether.

Big Casino Posted - 10/19/2005 : 2:27:37 PM
Well then I think that several players that I know who wear hearing aids should be looked at as well. Because You stated that an MP3 player would create a more "soothing" atmosphere than the normal bar music madness, thus gaining an advantage. So how do we know that those with hearing aids dont just turn them way down or off completely. That to me would be creating that "soothing" effect and then should be just as egregious as those heinous mp3 players.

Jason P Moser
trhxke Posted - 10/19/2005 : 1:16:00 PM
Originally posted by Taz

Not a good idea.

Just curious...why do you say "Not a good idea."

I noticed some people play with a "Blue Tooth" wireless earpiece for their cell phone and I'm sure it is just a matter of time til there is such a device that can be used with an MP3 player (there may be one already).

Is there a rule against wearing an ear piece or is it just "not a good idea in your opinion."?

Tom Hardinger
Your Internet Source for pool cues, darts and various colletibles.
fairfax Posted - 10/19/2005 : 12:22:48 PM
I would think that any thing that puts one player in an advantage over the other (except skill) would not be allowed. I find that the type and loudness of some of the music played in some of our venues is not to my liking but I continue to play the rounds knowing that my opponent is saddled with the same conditions. When a device is used to muffle out or provide a more soothing background,it does give that player an advantage.
Casey @ Wicked Sticks

No Worries
Taz Posted - 07/27/2005 : 4:00:41 PM
Not a good idea.

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