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 Rules Discussion
 Open table after the break or when ever

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
trhxke Posted - 03/25/2008 : 12:09:53 PM
This question came up last night in 8 ball.

When the table is considered "open" is it OK to intentionally shoot and hit the 8 ball 1st and make another ball into pocket and thereby claiming either solid or strips?

Tom Hardinger
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EatGolf Posted - 03/27/2008 : 02:47:29 AM
So if your opponent breaks and doesn't make anything; it is okay while the table is open for your first shot to be a combo of solid to a stripe to claim stripes - but not okay to go eightball to stripe combo... the eight ball is never neutral.

trhxke Posted - 03/25/2008 : 4:24:00 PM
[i]Originally posted by Taz[/i]
[br]No, it is not okay.

Although the rule book does not specifically cover this exact questions, there are a couple of refences that do apply.

1) After the Break, Page 46(e), which in part reads "....Now the breaker has the choice. He may shoot any ball except the 8-Ball...." and
2) Fouls, Page 49(b), which in part reads "....The 8-ball is not neutral...."

Cool Taz,
One of my team mates ask me this last night and I told him the 8 ball is not neutral on an open table but then I started second guessing myself and I could not remember why I thought the 8 ball was not neutral.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Tom Hardinger
Eight Ball 6 & Nine Ball 8 playing like a 7
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Taz Posted - 03/25/2008 : 4:19:35 PM
No, it is not okay.

Although the rule book does not specifically cover this exact questions, there are a couple of refences that do apply.

1) After the Break, Page 46(e), which in part reads "....Now the breaker has the choice. He may shoot any ball except the 8-Ball...." and
2) Fouls, Page 49(b), which in part reads "....The 8-ball is not neutral...."

jackmurray Posted - 03/25/2008 : 1:27:16 PM
Hey Tom here's my view on this one.... I don't think there's anything (specific) in the rules on this but:

If the player breaking pockets a solid and a stripe (or any combination there of) the table is considered "open" and the player ("breaker") has his option of shooting either solids or stripes. He/she may not hit the 8-Ball first because that would be a foul.

If logic works at all here I would have to say it would be a foul for the next shooter as well.

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