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 Calling a Timeout

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Rick Posted - 05/08/2008 : 11:54:02 PM
Can I call a timeout during my players opponent's turn , for my player ? Why you ask ? Well I noticed a player a while ago that took his shots super fast , and I thought what if there was a frozen ball that we needed to look at before he shot ? To stop play I could shout out ,STOP PLAY , but could be interpreted as sharking , so what if I call a timeout , assuming my player has one ?I'm wondering if there are any other situations where this could apply ?
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Kerry Randolph Posted - 05/12/2008 : 3:15:37 PM
It is really not a situation where you would call a timeout. You simply need to ask the shooter to hold on while you look to see if it is frozen or to get a third party. If the shooter is too fast than they may have known it was close and shot before you could say anything, or they may know it is not frozen, or just not think about it and shot quickly. Try to stop the shooter early in the shot so as not to break his concentration or rythim. Jumping up and yelling stop the shot is not how to do it. Just be polite.

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt
poolguy Posted - 05/12/2008 : 3:02:18 PM
Good question.

First, I think it's bad form to do anything when the opposing player is down on a shot. Second, I haven't played APA very long, but I *think* it is acceptable for a coach or team captain to call for a time out to look at a frozen ball or to ask for a third eye to watch for a double hit.

In any event, I would first suggest that it is better if the player calls time out to look at the table or get a third eye. But if the player doesn't, I think it's acceptable for the captain to do that, but it should be done before the player is down. Otherwise it could be considered sharking.

And I don't think it would ever be considered one of your player's time outs. Those time outs are when your player is at the table and he or the coach calls time out for coaching purposes.


It only hurts if you miss.
Rick Posted - 05/12/2008 : 09:16:53 AM
Thanks for the replies , however they do not really answer my question . When I say STOP PLAY ( I've never actually said that ) it's not about whether I'm polite or not it's whether the opposing player takes any notice in the middle of his/her shot . And as far as paying attention , yep , I do that , but the point is if there is no time to look at a ball etc , it doesn't matter how quick your reflexes are .
Kerry Randolph Posted - 05/09/2008 : 11:15:05 AM
Basically pay attention to the game and as soon as you see something get up and look. If it is too late and the player shoots before you can do what you want to do than remember that for later and get up quicker. I am getting up off of my seat 10-15 times a night to look at things on the table. As a captain I feel it is my resposibility.

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt
Doug Gill Posted - 05/09/2008 : 10:57:52 AM
Instead of shouting "STOP PLAY", how about politely saying "Excuse that ball frozen?". No misinterpretation of used/unused time hurt feelings about "sharking" (usually) problem!

Good Shooting All!

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