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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ValleyMast Posted - 05/12/2008 : 3:13:27 PM
So I was playing a match... the guy racked and it was "touching the spot." I asked politely for him to rerack it. He refused because "It was touching the spot. What more did I want?"

I was always told/taught that as the breaker we have the right to keep asking for a reracking until we are blue in the face. Can we? What's the rule for it?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ValleyMast Posted - 05/14/2008 : 11:01:32 AM
So "touching" the spot is a good reason to ask for it to be "on" the spot. No sharking. I'd just like the opporuntity to make a good break. Thank you very much.
rhaydt Posted - 05/13/2008 : 2:04:59 PM
Apparently there is an exception to the rule. If you are a skill level 7 in 8-ball and you play in the Camarillo Monday division, then it is OK for your opponent to rack them loose. That’s because this is an amateur league and we should not get too serious about winning.
ginger Posted - 05/12/2008 : 9:59:55 PM
This is what the APA Manual says about racking: (8 ball, pg 44)

All balls should be frozen (touching) as tightly as possible. Balls are racked
with the front ball on the foot spot and the 8-ball in the center of the triangle.
The breaking player may request and receive a rerack.

I'm not sure about the "right to keep asking for a rerack until we are blue in the face" part... that would seem like it would get old after awhile, and I'm sure some people would take advantage of that just to get on someones nerves. :)

Hope this helps!


*It's better to have loved and lost, then to live with the psycho for the rest of your life*

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