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 About the left navigation menu.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mouyo Posted - 01/29/2006 : 10:48:50 PM
It would be nice to keep the left navigation menu on the home page around when we navigate to different pages on this website.
Seems like everytime I want to go to a different section of the website I need to back to the home page and select from the left navigation menu.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Phil Posted - 01/30/2006 : 09:41:41 AM
Unfortunately, that would require a rewrite of the entire site. It was developed with Microsoft FrontPage and the applications (stats and message board) are both server-side apps that provide their own form of navigation and generate their own html, meaning they don't use all of the FrontPage stuff that creates those borders. The only other section that doesn't have the menu is the photo album, which has its own left menu. It's not worth a whole rewrite to save one click.


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