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 Wowee! He beat a SL 23!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Torsten Posted - 01/12/2009 : 2:23:11 PM
How does Ben Tom have 23 top shooter points after only one week. The guy he beat must have been really good...

I think the worst time to have a heart attack would be during a game of charades... or during a game of fake heart attack.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Torsten Posted - 01/13/2009 : 09:23:28 AM
Perfectly! He had earned 23 top shooter points in his most recent season of play before this one... and the lack of tabbing through meant that bit of info remained when he was 'un-purged'! I...think...

I think the worst time to have a heart attack would be during a game of charades... or during a game of fake heart attack.
Derailed Posted - 01/13/2009 : 01:18:21 AM
I have a headache now.
Phil Posted - 01/12/2009 : 10:32:38 PM
You guys crack me up.

The correct answer is "when you transfer a player out of the purged database through the team screen the match data for that player isn't zeroed out if you forget to tab through the player before posting your changes."

There. Makes perfect sense now, doesn't it?

Derailed Posted - 01/12/2009 : 3:56:30 PM
Torsten, isnt it obvious? He must have played all 5 opponents.....He will now be referred to as "The Ben Tom 5." LOL

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