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 Rules Discussion
 Practicing the Lag

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Showtime Posted - 10/25/2011 : 09:13:30 AM
I thought I had read somewhere that practicing the lag was unsportsmanlike. I would never tell someone not to practice the lag, but I would joke/tease some higher SL's for doing it. I went looking for this in the rule book and local by-laws and couldn't find it anywhere. Does anyone have any info on this? Is it only unsportsmanlike in high level tournaments? Or, not unsportsmanlike at all?

If I disagree with you, it is because I am right.
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Moose Dragon Posted - 10/25/2011 : 12:10:21 PM
I am not sure why it would be unsportsmanlike. As long as you are ready to lag when your opponent gets to the table then what is the problem. If I get to the table first I will roll my ball by hand down the table to see what the rail is like and get an idea of the table speed, but I find it detrimental if I actually practice it with my cue.

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