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 Spirit of the Rules
 Non-Player Interference

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
poolguy Posted - 04/12/2008 : 1:01:29 PM
As written, the APA rules treat non-player interference as a foul if that interference causes the cue ball to move (and the shooter is involved). A drunk who walks behind a shooter and bumps the butt, causing the tip to contact and move the cue ball is defined as a shot and if the shot is not legal, it is a foul.

This is something that the shooter can not always control, even if he/she is aware of folks behind them.

I would suggest that in this case the proper thing to do is to have the opponent replace the cue ball (and any other moved balls) where they were, to the best of their ability, and have the shooter then take the shot. Taking ball in hand, while called for by a strict interpretation of the rules, is clearly not in the "spirit of the rules".


It only hurts if you miss.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kerry Randolph Posted - 04/24/2008 : 3:29:29 PM
Yeah I know, who are you and what have you done with the real Bernardo!

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt
D-RACK Posted - 04/24/2008 : 1:56:30 PM
Are you talking about the same Bernardo???

U said Nice???



poolguy Posted - 04/22/2008 : 3:30:12 PM

I wish every player was as gracious as you are. I enjoyed playing you and was surprised to win the match.

You clearly play within the proper spirit of the rules, not the letter, which is how I try to play.

Play well.


It only hurts if you miss.
iampato Posted - 04/22/2008 : 2:49:44 PM
John, let me put your mind at ease if you ever were to play me again and that situation happened; I would first warn you before your shot there is someone behind you to be careful and not shoot till it is clear. If I needed to pull guard duty to keep people from bumping into you I would do that. If after all that someone still bumped you and caused you to foul. I would give you the courtesy to re-spot the cue ball where it was before you were bumped.

That little thing of being bumped is not important to me.

So I can't control how everyone else will handle the situation. But rest assured if you every play me again like you did at The Mix last weekend I will always give you that courtesy. "Do onto others as you would like done onto you." The Golden Rule. Has anyone heard of that before?

you know, you would think I would get tired of hearing, "you're right Bernardo" but I don't. LOL.
poolguy Posted - 04/16/2008 : 11:17:42 PM

Yes, in my opinion it is. The shooter was in total control of everything at the table including the chalk. Anybody who chalks up directly over the cue ball deserves that foul.

If you use a bridge, and the bridge head falls off and nudges the cue ball, you've fouled. If you drop the chalk and it bounces down the table and hits the cue ball, you've fouled.

The whole point of this thread is a shooter who is bumped by a non-player, usually behind them, and they technically foul the cue ball. To me, that is well beyond their control and the spirit should have it be a non-foul.

Technical differences? Yes. But you have to draw the line somewhere.


It only hurts if you miss.
MGB Posted - 04/16/2008 : 5:29:47 PM
I heard of a situation in which the player was looking over his shot and chalking up his cue. The chalk broke apart and a chunk of it fell on the cue ball. Result, ball in hand to his opponent. Technically that is the rule... but is it in the "spirit" ?
Torsten Posted - 04/16/2008 : 3:43:35 PM
Call it a hazard. You should check behind you before you shoot. Sure, sometimes it's unavoidable that some drunken buffoon bumps you and causes you to foul. Sometimes you take a shot that looks like it's going in but hit's a piece of debris on the table at the last second, and gets diverted from the pocket. Would it be in the spirit of the rules to say, "hey, man, that ball was going in but that moth that landed in front of the pocket made the ball careen off the nipple. You can let me have that one, right?" Of course not. Do your best to avoid getting bumped.

I think the worst time to have a heart attack would be during a game of charades... or during a game of fake heart attack.
poolguy Posted - 04/13/2008 : 09:26:46 AM
I would suggest that you go to page 4 of the Rules forum and read the thread "What if someone causes you to foul". Then go to page 1 and read the thread "Non-player interference". I think you'll find that Taz and Phil both advocate a sportsmanlike resolution to this problem over calling a strict foul. If I've misstated their positions, I would hope they correct me here.


It only hurts if you miss.
Historytchr Posted - 04/12/2008 : 10:09:43 PM
In the spirit of who's rules? Yours or APA's? Remember we all play by the same rules.

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