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 Who Makes Playoffs?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stevelobdell Posted - 01/04/2010 : 10:19:21 AM
Happy New Year......Looking forward to the start of the new Season this Wednesday.

Question: Our Wednesday DJ8/DJ9 only has 4 teams. Does this mean all 4 teams automatically make the Play Off Week(s) or do only the top 2 teams make Play Off?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Torsten Posted - 08/22/2010 : 10:35:01 AM
Movistar is correct. First place team in a division of 12 or greater gets an automatic bye through playoffs and qualifies for tournament of champions.

I think the worst time to have a heart attack would be during a game of charades... or during a game of fake heart attack.
movistar Posted - 08/21/2010 : 2:31:50 PM
the term should be
division.. NOT league...
movistar Posted - 08/21/2010 : 2:30:01 PM
the winner of the league (1st place) goes directly to the Tournament of Champions ...2nd, 3rd, 4th and the wild card play and the winner also goes to the Tournament of Champions ...this is done where there are 12 or more teams in that league. (I may get corrected.. I think it is 12 and over) I might be wrong.. but if I am ... it is the first time.. have a great season
Liam Posted - 08/20/2010 : 7:01:41 PM
Ok si I have another question, related to this type of thought.. There are 13 teams and the top team winning for the season isnt in the playoffs? I saw the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th team them a wild card! I'm confused.. Can ya help me understand?
Phil Posted - 01/04/2010 : 4:02:06 PM
Top 2 plus a wildcard. First place only plays in the finals.


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