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 Are there differnt rules in Las Vegas

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ssevilla Posted - 12/15/2011 : 4:18:38 PM
Someone said that the rules are different when you play in Las Vegas for instance, you are not allowed to speak to your shooter between shoots if this is true when do those rules begin (playoffs,regional's)? and is there a place where I can see all if any rules that may be subject to change anytime from playoffs on?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ssevilla Posted - 12/16/2011 : 5:10:29 PM
rhaydt Posted - 12/16/2011 : 10:10:37 AM
The regional tournament in June plays very much like Vegas. One timeout for all players and the players need to stay away from the team during play. You can talk between racks. At the nationals in Vegas there is a little more isolation between the players and the teams.
Our tournament of champions is a little more relaxed and plays more like the division playoffs.

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