Faye A player must play four matches during the season in order to be eligible to compete with their team in regionals. If a player competes in fewer than 4 matches, the ones they won still count but they are ineligible for regionals. It would really stink for the team if a player could only play three matches because a careless grizzly bear tore off their arm while camping, resulting in the team losing points.
Faye, I'm not sure what you mean by "for their points to count"? Please clarify.
Torsten, good try, but a little off. A players must have four actual matches with the team in order to be eligible for the playoffs in the session in which they are playing.
Participation in "Regionals" is different. A player must play four times with the Spring roster AND have a minimum of 10 actual match scores in their record, in the format in which the player is participating.