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 Rules Discussion
 4 Game Minimum

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Faye-Lee Posted - 06/20/2005 : 10:33:26 AM
Is there a rule that each player must play at least 4 games during the season for their points to count? If this is true, how does it work?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Faye-Lee Posted - 06/21/2005 : 08:53:06 AM
Thank you both! So in the long run, it really only negatively impacts us in the playoffs and regionals.
Torsten Posted - 06/20/2005 : 3:23:53 PM
That's right. I knew it looked a little weird when I posted it. Leave it to me to try and mislead our new members with false info...

I hope a lot of people read this post. There are a lot of misconstrued interpretations of this rule floating around out there.
Taz Posted - 06/20/2005 : 2:53:34 PM
Faye, I'm not sure what you mean by "for their points to count"? Please clarify.

Torsten, good try, but a little off. A players must have four actual matches with the team in order to be eligible for the playoffs in the session in which they are playing.

Participation in "Regionals" is different. A player must play four times with the Spring roster AND have a minimum of 10 actual match scores in their record, in the format in which the player is participating.
Torsten Posted - 06/20/2005 : 11:29:53 AM
Faye A player must play four matches during the season in order to be eligible to compete with their team in regionals. If a player competes in fewer than 4 matches, the ones they won still count but they are ineligible for regionals. It would really stink for the team if a player could only play three matches because a careless grizzly bear tore off their arm while camping, resulting in the team losing points.

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