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Posted - 12/02/2009 :  10:19:54 AM  Show Profile  Visit grapevine's Homepage  Reply with Quote
As we all know the Apa is a fun place to play pool and meet with friends and the handicapp system seems fair enough for all....I have a particular question about the points awarded to teams who recieve forfeits. We know from experience that in 9 ball after the 1st forfeit the total number of points are reduced (20..12..12 etc) seems fair enough.....why is it that in 8 ball all points are on a one for one scale? I will leave it at that as examples might not work here........


36 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2009 :  1:39:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
During a 9-Ball match a team can score anywhere from 1 (or maybe it's 2) to 20 points per match. So the 1st Forfeit is 20 points but subsequent forfeits are 12-8 so as not to give a team an unfair advantage if the team they play doesn't have enough players to play all 5 matches.

Is it fair to the rest of the teams to award a team 80 Points just because the team they are playing didn't have enough players.

In 8 Ball a team gets either 1 or 0 Points per match. If a team wins because of forfeit, there is no way to "pro-rate" the points. You either get 1 point or 0. Teams can't earn 3.5 points for the night.
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242 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2009 :  6:06:22 PM  Show Profile  Visit Keith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
In 9 ball you can get from 0 to 20 points per match not 1 to 20. In a forfeit the first is 20 to 0 and from then on it is 12 to 0. This can't be done for 8 ball due to defining the line. If they would introduce fractions of a point then it would be possible. You can't punish the team who had players there and awarding 0 points would be doing that. By awarding 12 points they are not punishing the team who has the player there and are not over rewarding seeing as it is for the second forfeit and each forfeit after that. This all comes down to show up for the activity you signed up for.

Insert inspirational sentence here.
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36 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2009 :  10:14:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Actually one cannot "score" 0. They can receive 0. One can "score" 1 through 20 points. If they score 20 then the other person receives 0. Merely symatics, but the principal of the two posts were the same.
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