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 Rules Discussion
 continuous play
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Posted - 06/07/2011 :  6:19:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is similar to the 'Here We Go Again' Post...but a little different.

As a new captain, I just don't know the rule on this....

We played a team that did not have all their players at the start of the matches.

We played a couple rounds, then their other player showed up and played 8...which was fine.

But then we hit a wall, because that same player was the only one left for them to play 9.
So we waited for him to finish his 8 ball game....tic tock...tick tock.....

finally he finishes, but the rest of their team has shown up - so they put up a completely different player!

I don't just seemed fishy to me. Could I have called the forfeit on the 9 ball game since they technically didn't have a player ready to go?



89 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2011 :  08:22:39 AM  Show Profile  Visit Calcwby4u's Homepage  Send Calcwby4u a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I played on a team last seasons Wed. night DJ and the same situation happened a couple of times, twice during the playoffs, once for us and once against us.

The rules state "continuous play" ... if they don't have someone to put up within two (2) minutes, they forfeit. We did that!! Called the forfeit. The other team wasn't happy. "Last week the other team waited for us to finish the 8 ball match."

On the first night of playoffs I think it was the same thing happened. We called the Office and were told that we could call the forfeit but most other teams in the Division would wait. Two (2) SL two's (2's) were playing 8 Ball. They had already been playing for an hour and were not even close to finishing the last game. Our player was the only one left to play. The other team called the forfeit on us. They wouldn't wait. So we forfeited the last match of 9 Ball and lost the match. We told the same team they could have the 8 Ball match too.

We don't play DJ anymore. It's bad enough getting out at 1230am playing one game. 1am or later is to much for both.

If you have a rule enforce it. If you don't have a player to put up in two (2) minutes, you forfeit. PERIOD. If it's the 4th match then you forfeit the 5th also. OH WELL. Such is life.

Keep hitting the holes ... whenever you can .. no matter how long it takes you.
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10 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2011 :  10:42:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks - that is really helpful.

No More Waiting!!!
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242 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2011 :  07:13:36 AM  Show Profile  Visit Keith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Remember you joined league to play pool. Not to accept forfiets.

Remember the person you have to impress the most is the one you sleep with every night.
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555 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2011 :  09:13:44 AM  Show Profile  Visit Taz's Homepage  Send Taz an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Be careful April. As another team found out (the hard way, during the playoffs), if you want to play "rule book" be prepared for others to do the same. Sometimes its best to be flexible and have a fun night. As Keith pointed out, you joined the league to play pool, not to win from the chair. Having said that, there is a huge difference between waiting a few minutes and waiting an hour. I would encourage you to make the decision on a case-by-case basis.

To all double-jeopardy teams -- The best way to avoid that situation is to strategize a little smarter and not be left with only the same two players to play in the last two matches of both 8-Ball & 9-Ball. After all, you have a roster of 8 and there is no reason for that to happen.

As for the late nights, if Team Captains took control of their teams and made sure players didn't waste time (bathroom, smoke, stalling, team huddle to chose next player, length of time-outs, slow play, etc., etc., etc.), double-jeopardy takes no longer than 8-Ball or 9-Ball alone.
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16 Posts

Posted - 07/29/2011 :  02:55:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
April, if i were you (and i was) i would wait. At least a reasonable amount of time. What happened between the 3 teams in this situation was a case of revenge. And well warranted in my mind, I gave into it and invoked the law to force a forfeit. I did this though not only for revenge, but because we were looking at an hour wait. The team we played against was angry to say the least. Told another team, and they did the same to us a few weeks later. Even though in this match we were waitng for their sl 5 to shoot in another 4 balls in 9 ball, against our sl 2 who only had 2 balls down. A 2 minute wait at most considering he was shooting lights out. The only reason i made the choice to do this originally was because the first teams captain accused me of cheating,something that was clear to everyone at the time that i did not do. What i should have done was be the bigger person and let it go. Not doing so cost us and the other team both as we both left double jeopardy. Pretty stupid now that i look back on it. If only i had a do over! Moral of the story.... Its pool, we joined to have fun, not invoke laws against each other. Its a game for cryin out loud! Have fun and be NICE to each other. It makes it more fun for everyone.

Think before shooting then shoot someone thinking
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